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Poisoned Wine Gave the End Time United Nations “Great Iron Teeth”

Through the earth’s rulers, poisoned wine gave the U.N. “great iron teeth” (Daniel 7:7). In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established to encourage political, economic, and social [religious] cooperation” between NATO and the U.N. “The preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty makes it clear from the outset that the U.N. Charter is the framework within which the Alliance operates.” Under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, NATO has become the “global military arm of the United Nations,” commissioned to protect U.N. members from possible aggression and to do the bidding of the U.N. and its Security Council.

Influenced by the Babylonian spirit that thrives throughout the world, the U.N. strengthened its iron teeth by drawing up the Earth Charter. After gaining input from the world’s religious communities, the United Religions Initiative, proposed, compiled, and formulated the principles and values of the Earth Charter . Mikhael Gorbachev said, “The Ten Commandments are out of date. They will be replaced by the [then] 15 Principles of the Earth Charter.” The Earth Charter is seamlessly knitting all world religions together, giving the U.N. total control over all the earth’s human beings and natural resources.

The World Court , World Bank, and International Monetary Fund further strengthen the U.N.’s iron teeth. The world economy functions through the U.N. and its World Court. The U.N. will use its “great iron teeth” to protect the False Prophet ‘s sovereignty.

The United Nations in the Bible Snares the People of Earth

The U.N. is snaring the Earth’s people by tightening the jaws of the end time beast. Its goal is to undermine the sovereignty of all nations. Globalists say that an effective economic political union cannot come about without the sacrifice of sovereignty and a surrender of arms to the world government. Former NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana and former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan boast that “human rights . . . are much more important than sovereignty” and former Czech President Vaclav Havel says, “State sovereignty must inevitably dissolve.” The U.N. is constantly devising plans to steal the sovereignty of all world nations.

Just recently, the U.N. resubmitted its Sea Treaty Law for ratification. If Congress ratifies the sea treaty, the U.N. will control over 71 percent of the earth’s surface. The United States’ autonomy is threatened ,“if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body that is not accountable to the American people.” In July 2012, “GOP senators effectively killed the U.N. sea takeover,” but the treaty will be proposed again because most leaders support its ratification. 

The U.N. is also pushing for National ID’s, the likely forerunner to implanted chips, ultimately called the Mark of the Beast. In 2008, the Real ID Act became law, but the “Department of Homeland Security has faced so many obstacles with the Real ID system that the agency now plans an implementation deadline of 2017.” Through the U.N., poisoned wine will snare the world’s population by requiring each person to receive the Mark of the Beast to demonstrate allegiance to the Antichrist.


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